Monday, July 8, 2024

Found and not found, Larry Sanger defines "woman"

 An adult, female human being.

Women are able to bear children--which is the subject of obstetrics--and have other distinctive sexual characteristics, which is the subject of gynecology.

created by Larry_Sanger (talk) at 14:22, 21 May 2001

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Update on an old post

Original post

 Either the engines change what is shown over time, or some person or persons has their sticky fat fingers in the machinery. I'm mostly talking about of course.

The irony is that Google "owns" this blog, --> is part of your Google account.  Yet entries, even phrases used on this (and my other blogs) won't show up doing a Google search.  But of course all the other engines show results.

Ironic.  And possibly dangerous behavior. 

If the search function was automated, of course the phrase "How climate change science appears to work" would show up.  

It shows up on BingDuckduckgo and Yahoo

But not on Google

Somebody removed it from Google search.  Not only is that incredibly petty, it's also not honest.

Now the phrase "How climate change science appears to work" does not show up on Yahoo search Or any other search engine.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

it won’t matter to a true believer

  it won’t matter to a true believer

"it won’t matter to a true believer"

Millions of people around the world who all believe the same thing can't be wrong

 "millions of people around the world who all believe the same thing can't be wrong"

This one was sort of a surprise.  It might be syntax, but what to change?

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Saturday, November 11, 2023

You might think that after I post it here, it will now be found

 ... you would be wrong.  Google heavily censors everything, including blogs, that Google hosts. 

Sometimes I worry they will just delete my blogs, but then I realize I am a nobody.  No worries.

There's the phrase, "Sometimes I worry they will just delete my blogs, but then I realize I am a nobody".  Does not exist.

No results found for "Sometimes I worry they will just delete my blogs, but then I realize I am a nobody".

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Every now and then I find something new on the internet redux

 In this case, the text from the comic does not show up anywhere on the internet.

A man found a way to put almost whatever he wants online, but it can never be indexed, you can't find it with a search.  I used to use Stripgenerator the same way.

It seems there is a religion centered on a God named Ed

There is an entire Universe of comics, none of them searchable, none of them on Google, or Bing or Duckduckgo

I estimate over 150,000 comics.  Many of them in languages other than English.

Saturday, September 9, 2023

"But thus blog is no listed on Googles search engine"

 I left that up for 8 years, still does not show up on any search engine.  Not even duck duck go or yahoo

"But thus blog is no listed on Googles search engine"

I edited it just now, so it really doesn't exist anymore.  

It's interesting how many results do show up, concerning blogs not being listed on search engines.

Monday, July 17, 2023

Update on the update about AI powered search engines

 Now even the AI search engines can not find this blog

Update on "After I post it here, does it exist on the internet?"

The answer is no, it does not exist on the internet.  

After I post it here, does it exist on the internet?

Of course it does, since you are looking at it.  But to all the search engines, it does not exist.

It's like a quantum physics thing.  I archived it, so even if this blog goes away, it exist on the internet.  Even when nobody can find it.

The fx rule of the internet

 "the fx rule of the internet"

The fx rule of the internet

A humorous statement about a non existent rule that does not exist, about how to behave on the internet.

A rough definition would be as follows

"If you are extremely annoyed by something somebody posts on the internet, under no circumstance should you express this annoyance, because that means they now know you are triggered by it, and they can use this information to annoy you"

This is also true for the real world, but I don't know if it was ever codified or credited to anyone.

I claim it as mine, but that means literally nothing on the internet.

It can not be found by any search engine, and knowing how things work, it probably will never be in a search engine.  Meaning this blog post is not allowed to be found by a search.

This brings up another rule of the internet, but that is for another post

Monday, July 10, 2023

If you were sincere, I could answer you, but it would be one of those complicated science things, and it would not satisfy you.

 Exists but not available on Google or Bing or Yahoo or DuckDuckGo or even any chatbot search

If you were sincere, I could answer you, but it would be one of those complicated science things, and it would not satisfy you.

"If you were sincere, I could answer you, but it would be one of those complicated science things, and it would not satisfy you.

It does exist however.  It's one of those phrases the internet does no index!

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Never, ever, under any circumstance, or for any reason, argue with people.

 "Never, ever, under any circumstance, or for any reason, argue with people."

This one actually exists, on Twitter.  But nowhere else.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

After I post it here, does it exist on the internet?

  Once upon a time, in a distant galaxy, there was a planet where a strange and adorable creature called a Tribble existed. Tribble's bodies functioned like living recording devices, absorbing and memorizing the sounds around them. From the moment they were born, until the day they passed away, they absorbed everything within their reach. That's how they learned to communicate, using the sounds that surrounded them.

The planet was known for its vast forests of peony trees whose sweet aroma mesmerized Tribbles. One day, a young explorer named Kael arrived on the planet. Kael had been traveling the universe, searching for new experiences and knowledge. Kael heard about the Tribbles' unique ability to communicate and decided to investigate.

Kael observed the Tribbles and learned about their language. He noticed that they communicated through various tonal variations, modulations, and vibrations. Kael became fascinated with the way these creatures communicated and wanted to learn their language.

On one particular occasion, Kael was walking in the peony forests when he saw a group of Tribbles gathered around a tree. They seemed to be discussing something important, but Kael didn't understand a word they were saying. As an experiment, Kael held his breath for as long as he could and focused on listening intently to their sounds. He began to feel a strange sensation; his mind seemed to be opening up, and he began to understand what the Tribbles were saying.

The language of Tribbles was a beautiful, enchanting language. Kael felt a sense of wonder and euphoria that overwhelmed his senses. He listened to the Tribbles speak for hours and learned all their secret dialects. Kael eventually learned to communicate with them, and they taught him the secrets of the universe, through the knowledge they had absorbed.

From that day forward, Kael would hold his breath for hours every time he wanted to speak to the Tribbles and understand their language. He became their friend and protector, traveling the Universe with them and sharing his knowledge with them.

In time, Kael found a way to share his knowledge with other human-like beings so that they, too, could understand the Tribbles' language. And so, the language of Tribbles became known throughout the galaxy.

Does not exist on the internet

If I hold my breath for two hours I reach a state where I can understand the language of Tribbles

Not found on the internet.  And hopefully never to be found on the internet.

 "If I hold my breath for two hours I reach a state where I can understand the language of Tribbles"

If I hold my breath for two hours I reach a state where I can understand the language of Tribbles

Friday, March 31, 2023

The predictive power of actual data is astounding

 "The predictive power of actual data is astounding"

Still not in any search engine, not even a chatGPT based search engine

Making my optimistic prediction about this completely wrong (or perhaps correct, somebody changed them already)

"Making my optimistic prediction about this completely wrong" <-- is also not found on the Internet!

The utter futility of discovering something new, if it threatens the status quo

The utter futility of discovering something new, if it threatens the status quo

"The utter futility of discovering something new, if it threatens the status quo" 

Testing the search engines out on this blog.

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Update on AI search engines

 All the early AI engines can find my blogs and anything on them, in milliseconds.

I'm sure at some point the engineers and people changing them will put an end to that.

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Believe you me we can be very friendly

 "believe you me we can be very friendly"

believe you me we can be very friendly

Said to be the Sunoco jingle from 1973.

I saw this on the internet, but no search engines have it.  Yet.

Actual jingle from 1977

Monday, December 19, 2022

Saturday, December 17, 2022

"the snow ratio is important"

 "the snow ratio is important"

Only appears on

So duckduckgo is now following

When search engines no longer actually work, what then?

Original post 

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) found on internet

 Google and other search engines could be described as "web sites that help you find stuff on the internet

They are "Information and Communications Technology (ICT)".  If they are not showing something found on the internet, that actually exists on the internet, the technology is either not working, or somebody has their fingers in the workings, are a human has decided not to allow something to be found.

"do we not have peanuts?"

 Getting ready to check on do we not have peanuts?

No sign of that phrase any longer

Monday, October 31, 2022

Sunday, September 25, 2022

So in a clown world sort of way, something that does not exist (according to search engines) is right here in front of you

 "So in a clown world sort of way, something that does not exist (according to search engines) is right here in front of you"

That can't be found on search engines

Neither can "So in a clown world sort of way"

That is hilarious

Dale Enterprise is weather station of absolute quality

 "Dale Enterprise is weather station of absolute quality"

That's odd

It used to show up

It's still there

But you can't find it using a search engine

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

In reality, some of the entries in this blog do exist on the internets

 It's just that the search engines refuse to let you find them

Like this blog

Google does not index it or allow it to be found

So in a clown world sort of way, something that does not exist (according to search engines) is right here in front of you, if for some reason you found this blog

And in a completely ironic Google world ....

 "Words and statements that do not exist on the Internet"

Words and statements that do not exist on the Internet

 "hammegk stopped posting on the sguforums at 666 posts"

Sunday, September 18, 2022

"Do we not have peanuts?"

 Since Google stopped showing search results for ny blogs, the phrase "Do we not have peanuts?" no longer appears on the internet.

Except in this blog post.  And the original blog posts about itAnd the updates about it.

(it is from an episode of Chopped, which also doesn't appear on the internet)

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

"How climate change science appears to work"

 Still doesn't show up on Google search.

This phrase exists many many time online

Shows up on search

"The futility of arguing about science"

 This is a strange one.  It does not show up on Bing, duckduckgo or Yahoo search

But it shows up one time on Google (even when it appears many times)

Search engines, you can't trust they actually have searched everywhere

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Global Waming is making it colder

 Not found on Google search

I just made it up.  Yep, just typed out those words, with a deliberative misspelling/typo

The reason for doing so will be explained someday.


Friday, August 19, 2022

Phrases that exist on the internet, but don't show up using search engines

Either the engines change what is shown over time, or some person or persons has their sticky fat fingers in the machinery. I'm mostly talking about of course.

The irony is that Google "owns" this blog, --> is part of your Google account.  Yet entries, even phrases used on this (and my other blogs) won't show up doing a Google search.  But of course all the other engines show results.

Ironic.  And possibly dangerous behavior. 

If the search function was automated, of course the phrase "How climate change science appears to work" would show up.  

It shows up on Bing, Duckduckgo and Yahoo

But not on Google

Somebody removed it from Google search.  Not only is that incredibly petty, it's also not honest.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

"It's freezing! I am so sick of this global warming"

 It's freezing! I am so sick of this global warming.

 "It's freezing! I am so sick of this global warming."

Updated Aug 27 2024 - and now have two links to the phrase, but neither one of them is to this blog lol

Big censorship is still at work

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Newton was wrong about the ocean tides

 That sentence inspired this blog.  It does no appear in any search engine.  Yet.

"Newton was wrong about the ocean tides"

Using quotes forces an engine to search only for an exact phrase.  When an unknown sentence or phrase or even a word starts to show up, I might note the date.

Probably not.

Yes, it's ironic that at some point everything I find not on the internet, will show up on the internet.

Found and not found, Larry Sanger defines "woman"

  An adult, female   human being . Women are able to  bear children --which is the subject of  obstetrics --and have other distinctive sexua...