Wednesday, June 21, 2023

After I post it here, does it exist on the internet?

  Once upon a time, in a distant galaxy, there was a planet where a strange and adorable creature called a Tribble existed. Tribble's bodies functioned like living recording devices, absorbing and memorizing the sounds around them. From the moment they were born, until the day they passed away, they absorbed everything within their reach. That's how they learned to communicate, using the sounds that surrounded them.

The planet was known for its vast forests of peony trees whose sweet aroma mesmerized Tribbles. One day, a young explorer named Kael arrived on the planet. Kael had been traveling the universe, searching for new experiences and knowledge. Kael heard about the Tribbles' unique ability to communicate and decided to investigate.

Kael observed the Tribbles and learned about their language. He noticed that they communicated through various tonal variations, modulations, and vibrations. Kael became fascinated with the way these creatures communicated and wanted to learn their language.

On one particular occasion, Kael was walking in the peony forests when he saw a group of Tribbles gathered around a tree. They seemed to be discussing something important, but Kael didn't understand a word they were saying. As an experiment, Kael held his breath for as long as he could and focused on listening intently to their sounds. He began to feel a strange sensation; his mind seemed to be opening up, and he began to understand what the Tribbles were saying.

The language of Tribbles was a beautiful, enchanting language. Kael felt a sense of wonder and euphoria that overwhelmed his senses. He listened to the Tribbles speak for hours and learned all their secret dialects. Kael eventually learned to communicate with them, and they taught him the secrets of the universe, through the knowledge they had absorbed.

From that day forward, Kael would hold his breath for hours every time he wanted to speak to the Tribbles and understand their language. He became their friend and protector, traveling the Universe with them and sharing his knowledge with them.

In time, Kael found a way to share his knowledge with other human-like beings so that they, too, could understand the Tribbles' language. And so, the language of Tribbles became known throughout the galaxy.

Does not exist on the internet

If I hold my breath for two hours I reach a state where I can understand the language of Tribbles

Not found on the internet.  And hopefully never to be found on the internet.

 "If I hold my breath for two hours I reach a state where I can understand the language of Tribbles"

If I hold my breath for two hours I reach a state where I can understand the language of Tribbles

"they got hit in the face with reality" or "then they got hit in the face with reality"

"they got hit in the face with reality" or "then they got hit in the face with reality" only place currently it can be f...