Friday, March 31, 2023

The predictive power of actual data is astounding

 "The predictive power of actual data is astounding"

Still not in any search engine, not even a chatGPT based search engine

Making my optimistic prediction about this completely wrong (or perhaps correct, somebody changed them already)

"Making my optimistic prediction about this completely wrong" <-- is also not found on the Internet!

The utter futility of discovering something new, if it threatens the status quo

The utter futility of discovering something new, if it threatens the status quo

"The utter futility of discovering something new, if it threatens the status quo" 

Testing the search engines out on this blog.

"they got hit in the face with reality" or "then they got hit in the face with reality"

"they got hit in the face with reality" or "then they got hit in the face with reality" only place currently it can be f...